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How to get rid of HEIC files in your app

And it makes your app easier to use for non-iPhone users too

Joel Clermont
Joel Clermont

Let's say you have a file input on your form allowing a user to upload a profile image. You can add an accept attribute to your file inputs with a comma-separated list of acceptable file types for your application. You can list file extensions like .png or mime types like image/png.

<input type="file" name="profile_image" accept="image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif" />

The main benefit here is the user's browser will automatically filter their file picker to those types. It helps users avoid uploading a file type you don't support.

Please keep in mind: this doesn't count as validation though. You'll still want to validate the file type on the server side. But it is a nicer experience for the user.

And one additional benefit for iPhone users that sometimes upload those pesky HEIC files: Safari will see the accepted mime types and convert the native HEIC format to one of your accepted types automatically.

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P.S. Ever get to the end of the week and think "wow, I could really use more help on my Laravel app"? We can help.

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