Master Laravel with hand-curated and expertly written Daily tips
We're excited to share a daily email with you that you can read in less than 2 minutes. Oh, and if daily is too often - don't worry - you can opt into weekly digests instead.
I've been subscribed to this newsletter for less than a week, and I already received some advice that I was able to instantly implement into my daily work.
Daily Tips Archive
We've been cranking out tips for a while now. Can you believe there are 285 of them?! Keep on scrolling to see what you may have missed below.
Route method order matters in certain cases
API resources behave differently if you have a data property
An actual bug related to CPU architecture
Tell a story with your git commits
How to approach being wrong
Is Apple Silicon going to shoot me in the foot?
Better assertions for things that happen more than once
Look for opportunities to group routes
Make the most of your project README
A slightly vague validation error
Prefer a little bit more meat with your tips?
You're in luck! This ebook contains tips and tricks that are quick and easy to apply but make a noticeable improvement in any Laravel app. Dig in a little bit deeper with larger code samples and deeper explanations.
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