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Tell a story with your git commits

It doesn't have to be a long story

Joel Clermont
Joel Clermont

As I'm working on a feature, I like to make multiple smaller commits with descriptive messages.

Here is an example of my commit history on a recent feature adding a new endpoint related to attaching notes to other resources:

  • add API spec
  • stub out migration, model, factory, enum, and controller
  • wire up parent relationships
  • update spec for proper resource wrapping
  • introduce new notes permissions
  • implement endpoints
  • refactor some common logic for notes

For context, this is less than a day of work. Each commit might represent anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours of effort.

Also, when I'm working on a feature, sometimes I'll bump into a semi-unrelated issue, which it makes sense to clean up at the same time.

For example, maybe it's something as simple as noticing a spelling error in a file name. Or maybe you notice one older file not following a current standard, and it's a very small, simple refactor.

You could open a separate issue, but it's a little silly to do that. You could just fix it in less time.

I will definitely isolate these changes into their own commit as well:

  • fix psr-4 structure for tests
  • ide-helper update

I like isolated commits for two reasons:

  1. It makes it easier when I'm creating the PR later to remember any specific things that I want to highlight for the reviewer.
  2. If one of my off-feature changes gets rejected, it's super easy to revert that one isolated commit.

Here to help,


P.S. Would you like some help tightening up the process for your Laravel team?

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