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An actual bug related to CPU architecture

I knew I wasn't paranoid

Joel Clermont
Joel Clermont

I received quite a bit of interesting feedback from my article last week, where I wonder if using Apple Silicon could ever lead to a weird bug only caught in production.

One suggestion that a few people shared, was to avoid the mismatch and just run ARM architecture in production as well.

This is an excellent idea. AWS offers ARM instances, and they're even less expensive than traditional x86 instances. True, they're not running Apple Silicon specifically, so there's still a slight chance for issues, but I never worried about AMD vs Intel in the x86 world, so it's not a big deal.

Also, someone wrote in to share a real bug they personally ran into related to Apple Silicon. In this case, the bug only happened locally on their Mac, not in production, but I found it fascinating to read the thread and wanted to share.

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