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Dealing with being a beginner again

It can be frustrating

Joel Clermont
Joel Clermont

There is satisfaction in mastering a skill like PHP and Laravel. But as you become accustomed to being an expert, there's a bit of a shock when you venture into a new area and struggle through the basics again.

In the latest episode of the No Compromises podcast, we discuss the struggles of learning a new technology on a late-night side project. We also share some tips for handling frustration and managing expectations.

  • 00:00 - Late-night MicroPython struggles and revelations
  • 02:15 - Overcoming complex hardware and language hurdles
  • 05:15 - Balancing side projects with realistic expectations
  • 10:30 - Silly bit

Listen Now (14 min)

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Here to help,


P.S. Whether you're still a beginner with Laravel, or already an expert, I think you'll find value in the Mastering Laravel community.

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