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Additional thoughts about the `observedBy` attribute

Another reason you might choose to use it

Joel Clermont
Joel Clermont

Last week, I shared a small gotcha I ran into with the observedBy attribute.

That tip prompted some excellent reader feedback, which I think adds to the discussion, so I wanted to share it with you today.

Alex Bouma brought up the subject of performance. The older style of registering observers in a service provider means that all the wiring was done for every observer on every single boot of the app.

With the observedBy attribute, the wiring is only done for a model when it's actually used. This might not matter in most applications, but if you had many observers, this could be a useful performance improvement.

In fact, before this new attribute was introduced, Alex even wrote a package to offer an alternate model-specific approach.

And in case you're wondering, Laravel is smart about booting the model, so if you create 100 instances of a model, that wiring only needs to be done once per model, not once per instance.

In general, I like standardizing on newer syntax as Laravel introduces it, but this is one additional reason to consider using the new observedBy attribute, especially if you have a lot of observers wired up.

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P.S. Don't be shy, feel free to reply if you ever have something to share. Or join the Mastering Laravel community and get a discussion going there.

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