Use custom Mockery matchers for better Laravel assertions

Clean up your tests, especially when passing models as arguments

Joel Clermont
Joel Clermont

Let's say you're mocking a method that accepts an Eloquent model as an argument. Because of the way Eloquent models work, you can't just do a normal comparison on the two different model instances.

Laravel does provide a useful is() method to make this comparison easier, but you need to do something like this to use it with Mockery in your tests:

// $customer is a User model defined earlier in the test...

$stripeService = $this->mock(StripeService::class);
        \Mockery::on(function (User $user) use ($customer) {
            return $user->is($customer);

It works, and it's fine, but it's not great. A better way is to define a custom matcher class which wraps up that is() check for us:

// You can put this in a `tests/Matchers` directory
class EloquentModelMatcher extends MatcherAbstract
    public function match(&$actual)
        return $this->_expected->is($actual);

    public function __toString()
        return '<Model>';

And then, in your base test setup, you register the custom matcher for all Eloquent model classes:

protected function setUp(): void

        class: \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::class,
        matcherClass: \Tests\Matchers\EloquentModelMatcher::class,

With that matcher configuration in place, any time Mockery tries to match against an Eloquent model, it will use your custom matcher class. Now the test gets much cleaner:

$stripeService = $this->mock(StripeService::class);

If you go looking in the Mockery docs, you won't find this mentioned, but Filip mentioned it in a very helpful tweet and I just got around to trying it out.

One final note: this was added in Mockery v1.4.4, so if it isn't working for you, make sure you're at least on that version.

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