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Thinking about uniqueness in factories

How much uniqueness do you need?

Joel Clermont
Joel Clermont

Someone in the Mastering Laravel community was running into an issue with factories where every once in a while, two models would be created with the same value for a property, and this would lead to a flaky test failure.

The question was: how can we prevent these occasional test failures?

The short answer is to use the unique() modifier that Faker provides to prevent these values from colliding, but there's a more nuanced answer that I want to share.

Let's make it a tangible example, so we can discuss it more clearly. We have a User model with first_name and last_name properties.

And in only one or two tests, we need to make sure our factory generates unique values for those properties.

I would not recommend chaining unique() on those properties in the default factory definition. Why? Only a couple tests need uniqueness, and adding this modifier adds some overhead to every usage.

I'd only add unique() to the default definition if the database schema enforced uniqueness. Then it's a core application requirement.

So what would I do instead? If it's just one or two tests, I'd do it right inside the test when calling the factory:

    'first_name' => $this->faker->unique()->firstName,
    'last_name' => $this->faker->unique()->lastName,

If this is something needed in more than a handful of tests, I might go a step further and create a new state in my factory:

// in UserFactory.php
public function uniqueNames()
    return $this->state([
        'first_name' => $this->faker->unique()->firstName,
        'last_name' => $this->faker->unique()->lastName,

// then in my test

Here to help,


P.S. I bet you knew I was going to recommend that you should check out the Mastering Laravel community. Well, you should!

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