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Is Apple Silicon going to shoot me in the foot?

I might be a bit paranoid

Joel Clermont
Joel Clermont

Today's tip isn't really a tip. It's more of me worrying out loud, hoping to share my anxiety and paranoia with the wider Laravel community.

I've spent the last two decades running into all sorts of weird bugs in production that never surfaced on my local machine.

As a result, I've spent a lot of effort trying to get my local dev environment to match production as closely as possible.

I run the exact same versions of PHP, MySQL, Redis, nginx and everything else I can think of, all the way down to the exact patch level.

If I use Horizon in prod, I run Horizon locally.

I even set up a case-sensitive volume on my Mac, so I don't get surprised by casing variations when shipping to Linux.

But it just struck me recently that this shiny new MacBook Pro is now running a completely different CPU architecture from production.

I love the speed and battery life of the machine, but I wonder what sorts of new platform-specific bugs will bite me now.

Have you run into any weird issues on your projects since switching to Apple Silicon?

Here to help,


P.S. The Mastering Laravel community is a great place to talk about weird bugs and get help from other Laravel developers.

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